To publish in the Journal Emblecat. Studies of Image, Art and Society, you must consult the Call for papers, which determines the themes of this year’s issue. Once the author has a scientific article, he/she will have to read the guidelines for the processing of articles, which explain the citation model, the required formats and other instructions to follow. Before submitting articles, we advise you to review the journal’s editorial policies. Scientific articles published in the journal must be scientific and rigorous in nature.

The following documents must also be submitted:

Affidavit of authorship. A declaration to be signed by the author of the text, accrediting his/her authorship.

Authorisation to publish. Document signed by the author authorising Emblecat Edicions and the collaborating entities to publish the text in print and digital versions.


Si l’autor/a vol publicar un text introductori, un assaig o una declaració (a la secció de posicionaments i reflexions) o bé una crítica, entrevista o altres manuscrits (per a la secció de reviews i entrevistes), ho pot lliurar al correu de la revista.

The method of submission, in all cases, will be via the journal’s mailing address:


1. Call for papers

2. Guidelines for Article Publication

3. Editorial policies

4. Submit the article

Submit the article